Yesterday Michael and I went to see the general surgeon. During the exam, the doctor noticed three slightly swollen lymph nodes. The plan now is to perform an open biopsy. This is done by surgically removing the three lymph nodes. They will then be sent to a pathology lab to be examined. The best case scenario is lymph nodes that had a previous infection that did not shrink back down to normal size. The worst case is Hodgkin's lymphoma. We won't know anything until the biopsy results come back. The surgery is set for Monday, February 22nd.
Please keep Michael in your prayers. For now he seems to be mostly concerned about the nuisance of having the procedure done. However, he knows it needs to be done; the sooner the better. We know the Lord is in control of the situation and our trust is fully in Him.
Wow! Your family certainly has been through a lot! We will be in much prayer for Michael, and for you all. Thank you for sharing this request.
Sharon Gordon
Praying for Michael and for all of you (us). Love - Mom
We will be in prayer for Michael and will add him to our church prayer list.
I will be praying for Michael! Just found your blog tonight. I look forward to reading. I have one too if you ever want to look me up: http://janellebond.blogspot.com
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