Last week was Katie's Thanksgiving Concert at school. The whole theme was based on using the word "THANKSGIVING" as an acronym referencing it to creation. The singing and music was GREAT! Katie sings in the elementary choir (along with everyone else in elementary). She also sings in the chorus and plays the flute in the band. It was really nice seeing all the kids from FRMBC (6 in all) that participated in the concert.
Last Saturday we held a birthday party for Michael. He invited the guys from church and some guys from school over for an air-soft birthday party. What is an air-soft birthday party? It's kind of like paint-ball only with 6mm plastic BBs. The guys wear full protection with masks, gloves and, thanks to a little cool weather, a few layers of clothing. It's just a little "target practice" ;-) The pictures pretty much tell the story.
We had a big cookie made instead of a cake. The image in the center is an "exact" replica of a Smith and Wesson Air-Soft pistol. Notice the red tip, signifying that it is not a real firearm. (I know... I'll keep my day job!) Our kids seem to lean toward these cookies. They take after their dad with passing on the cake thing. Anyway, Michael and the guys had a great time! Sandra's mom as well as my parents from Grand Blanc, were there as well to celebrate the occasion.
It's been such a great couple of weeks since the kids have been in school. I'm not saying that it's better without the kids around. I mean there has been a lot of great things going on in our family's lives. Michael and Katie are doing great in school. Michael is taking the Fall off, sports wise. He did join the high school chorale. He'll have a lot of fun with that. Katie is playing girls (duh) basketball at school. So far they're record is 3-0.
Ministry life has been busy, but oh, so enjoyable! We've made some improvements in some of the areas of ministry lately (See the Church News Blog). The Lord is blessing FRMBC and we are excited about all that He's doing. From "ProTeens", to the new College & Career Bible Study Fellowship, and more, the Lord just keeps blessing and blessing.
The Willing Servants Quartet is going to be singing at a Bible Conference in Richmond, KY this weekend. We're learning a new song to take with us and we'll probably sing it this Sunday back here at FRMBC. The guys are really fine tuning their voices as they continue to improve they're harmony. They really do sound good. There's a future for this group if they really want it! (See Willing Servants Quartet)
This past Monday was the first day of school for Michael (9th grade) and Katie (6th grade). Michael is taking a break the first part of the year from sports, while Katie has decided that she wants to play girls basketball. Today is her first practice. Sandra and I had little bit of trouble coping with the fact that we now have a child in high school. Oh, where does the time go?!!
We made it back from up North a few hours ago. We had a meeting up at the school for Michael's orientation for... can I say it... "High School" earlier this evening. We still haven't had much of the chance to catch our breath. We had a great time, but it's good to be home. Soon I'll update the blog with a few of the 80-some pictures we took on the trip.
This past Monday Sandra's employers took their employees to a Tiger baseball game. Everyone had a great time; and the Tigers won the game! There was an extra ticket due to a person not being able to attend. So, Michael was allowed to go with us. He was very grateful to be able to go.
The surprise to everyone was that we were transported to and from the game in a Hummer limousine. All I can say is... alright, I'll say it... COOOOOL!!!
Thanks Mike & Leah for "Taking Us Out To The Ballgame", IN STYLE, and thanks for letting Michael go too!
Today we will be taking Buddy up to my mom and dad's house. He'll be staying with them while we're at church camp next week. The kids are sad to have to not have him around for what will be over a week long period. However, it sure beats the alternative... the dog kennel. Thanks mom and dad for letting buddy hang out there for a while!
Meanwhile camp preparations are at full steam ahead. It's crunch time! There is much to do over the next three days. This is when the not-so-fun work has to be done. When we're at camp, the work is fun.
Then after camp it's a week of preparation for revival. I'm really looking forward to that week! Oh, I think that in between those two weeks Katie has volleyball camp. I'm not sure the dates for that. She's really looking forward to that.
All in all, Katie has had a pretty normal summer. We've made some minor adjustments in what she's allowed to do, activity wise. But overall things have been normal. She is almost done with the one seizure med that she is being weaned off, while the new med has gradually been increasing. She does great at remembering when she has to take it and she prepares it herself.
Michael is a little less busy now that baseball is over. He mostly hangs out with the guys from church. They get together often and go to the batting cages, play tennis, and other stuff. Michael has been a good help around the house and around the church grounds this year. He has helped me with ministry work from time to time as well.
Michael's team played the last two games of the season today. They split a double-header. Michael pitched two innings in the first game and struck out 4 of the 6 batters, with the other two being put-outs. Michael hit 2 for 4 ; however, Flat Rock lost the first game. Michael didn't start the second game, but he went in to play third base in the third inning. He hit 2 for 3 with 2 RBIs and made two put outs. Flat Rock won the second game 16 to 12.
Last week was a busy week with Vacation Bible School at church, along with Basketball camp at school for Katie. Busy, yet enjoyable! Here are some pictures of Katie playing basketball. I think she has great potential.
It's hard to believe that we're nearing the end of the month of June already. Baseball is almost over for Michael, he hopes. It's not that he's lost interest in baseball; it's just that he's been playing it a lot lately. He has experienced some shoulder problems lately, so he's been taking it easy on the throwing. He was able to pitch in two games this week; two innings each. He had to leave the games early due to his desire to be a VBS. I'm thankful he wanted to be at VBS. His coach works well with the fact that our ministry is priority #1 to us.
Today is Katie's last day of basketball camp. She's been coming home every day from it exhausted, but she's ready to go back each morning. I think she has enjoyed it. Sandra left work early today to go up to the school and watch Katie play.
VBS ends tonight. It's been a great week and we've met some new kids this year. Next week I go into "Camp Mode" seeing that I'll only have three weeks to get all the preparation done. It's a heavy load, but it's worth it. Maybe some day I'll get to experience one of those things I hear about... I think people call them "vacations" - anyhow, one would be nice.
Regardless of all the weight of burdens, the Lord is always good! I'm reminded of the song that says, "It will be worth it all when we see Jesus." What a day that will be!! I'm thankful for the "haven of rest" that I have in Jesus and that it is a present possession. No matter what we go through, in Jesus, we're safe evermore! Our duty is to Trust and Obey!
This is a shirt that Katie made at school. All the kids in her class made a shirt and wore them yesterday at their class picnic. (See Katie's blog for a new picture of her with her new hair style at Katie's Health Journal.)
Inter-City's Jr. High baseball team went out on a high note with a 13-1 victory. Michael played shortstop because he pitched on Tuesday. The team had a great game with everybody contributing. Michael scored 2 runs. Michael starts practicing for the city league next Tuesday. He's looking forward to being able to play during the summer.
Katie had a great season on her bowling league. Even though she had to miss some games due to her surgery, she had a "pin-smashing" season. Her average was somewhere around 91, and her high game was 116. She bowled with one of her best friends, Cassie, and made some new friends too. GREAT JOB KATIE!!
I'm not a sports reporter, but I'll do my best here... Tuesday afternoon (May 8th) the Inter-City Baptist Chargers Junior High baseball team took down one of their competitors, 9-3 in a full 7 inning game. There was no doubt that the whole team contributed to the big win, especially some awesome infielding that kept the runners down to a minimum.
A major contributor to that infield stood on the mound for the full 7 innings; Michael Hugan. Michael pitched a solid game with a considerably low pitch count. Out of the opposition's 21 outs, 16 of them were STRIKE OUTS! That's a record outing for the young right-hander who also went 3 for 4 at the plate, with 2 doubles, and 2 runs.
In one of last week's games Michael went 3 for 4 and was a home run away from a cycle. (That means he hit a single, a double, and a triple.) Needless to say, Michael is having a fun season!