In late August we took Buddy to the vet because he kept having ear troubles. When the doctor checked him out, he found some of the lymph nodes swollen. The doctor prescribed some antibiotics. Well, over the next couple of weeks, the nodes kept getting bigger. We took Buddy to another vet on the 6th of September and they did a test that came back positive for lymphoma. We were given a different antibiotic, but it didn't help. Over the the next two and a half weeks we watched Buddy get worse. We were slowly coming to the realization that Buddy wouldn't be with us much longer.

September, 2010
During the last two weeks of Buddy's life our family spent some great quality time with him. Michael and Katie each took their final turns at having Buddy sleep in their rooms. For nine years and nine months Michael and Katie took weekly turns with Buddy sleeping in their rooms on his floor bed. Sometimes they would sleep on the floor with him. Needless to say the kids, as well and Sandra and I became very close to Buddy.

With Michael / 2006

With Katie / 2004

I made sure to get some pictures of Buddy doing some of the fun things he's always done; some of them he had stopped doing because they took too much energy out of him. He wasn't too interested in playing ball much anymore. He used to be great at playing catch; sometimes with his U of M football, and other times with a tennis ball we would hit out in the yard to him. He was awesome at jumping up and catching those balls! He truly was our own "Air Bud", and he loved playing that role. A few times I played "dot" with him (from the laser level we keep in the cupboard). Any time we would get out the "dot" he went crazy; he loved trying to catch that little red dot. It was so fun watching him play that game! All the games we would play with him added so much enjoyment, for him and for us!
Now that he didn't feel good enough to play because of the discomfort (he never displayed that he was in any pain), we got to where we would just take him outside for a walk around the church property. He loved to go outside and walk the perimeter of the property. As a puppy we trained him where the boundaries of the property were, and he was very good at staying within them. Every once in a while a squirrel or a rabbit would get his attention and sometimes we would have to go out and call him to keep him from chasing them too far - I'm gonna miss that... "Buddy, come home!"
(I'll add more memories over time)
This past Saturday, September 24th was going to be a busy day with our youth ministry Fall Festival in the morning and the church Fall Cookout at night. Earlier in the week Sandra and I contemplated how to work the timing out with relieving Buddy of the pain and suffering he undoubtedly was going through. We talked to the kids and decided, with our busy schedule, that Saturday was going to be the best day. I won't even try to describe the pain the four of us were experiencing, especially beginning in the early morning hours on Saturday. The short version (the long version being too painful to describe): we took Buddy to the vet and spent some very quality time (mainly for us) with him. The doctor and his assistant were very gracious and kind. They gave us all the time we needed. As he lay on my lap, we each gave very heart-felt hugs to our dear Buddy and said goodbye to, in our minds, the best dog on the planet.
We are all very, very sad that we had to let Buddy go. We will always hold the memories, some of which I plan to put on a blog about Buddy. Even though the conversations keep coming up about whether or not there is another dog in our family's future, all four of us unanimously agree - we will never find another Buddy.
We thank the Lord for the wonderful 9 years, 9 months He allowed Buddy to be a part of our lives. As Christians we know there is no "doggy heaven" and that Buddy is no more, but we do believe that the joy that Buddy brought into our family was truly a gift from the Lord to season our time here on this earth as we serve Him and look forward to being forever in His presence in Heaven. Still, there is the pain of the loss of a good friend, a great friend - certainly our favorite four-legged friend.