Well Fall has begun! Where did the summer go?
Our Fall has begun in full speed. We're busy, but having fun with it. With school in session, the kids are busy with school work nearly every night. I just don't remember having that much homework when I was in school. That may not necessarily mean that I didn't have it though. ;-)
Michael is in driver's training. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Just kidding; he actually is doing very well. He says he's pretty comfortable at the wheel. I don't know if that should make me concerned or not. Seriously, he's doing fine. He takes a break from sports during the Fall. He'll do basketball in the Winter and baseball in the Spring. He's done some throwing practice over the summer. However, we often switched places at pitcher and catcher. I wish I could do what I can do now with pitching when I was in high school. I've actually surprised myself. There have been times when I've gone out and thrown the ball at the tarp we have set up, without Michael catching. It feels pretty good, but I think I'll keep my day job. Speaking of my day job - the Bible institute has begun at FRMBC. Check it out here.
Katie had her first volleyball game yesterday. Her team won the first two games. I think the scores were 25 to 18 and 25 to 23. They play the best out of three. They played the third game to 15 and they won again, 15 to 10. Katie did a great job! Her serves were spectacular!! I'll get some pictures up soon. I think I may have only taken one or two because I didn't want to distract her.
More later.