I have been terrible about posting this summer. With planning and implementing ministry and dealing with the church basement, it's gone by fast. Our family has been busy. We haven't even been able to take a vacation anywhere. Most people don't realize the small window that a pastor has to take a vacation with all the "things" going on. I can't just drop things and take my family and go. People tell us,

Michael and his friend Tom have been up at my parents since last Friday. They'll be back this Thursday. Michael, Sandra and I have to be at the school for orientation on Thursday night. Katie and her friend Cassandra did their annual trip to my parents a few weeks ago.
Most of the summer, Michael hung around the house during the day. In the summer time he does all the lawn maintenance. He does a great job! If I had a dollar for every time I heard him say that he was bored, we'd have enough money to take one of those vacations [oh yeah... no time ;-) ].

Katie's summer was typical of the last several summers with having to do "vacation station" - a workbook to give her "practice" (so they say) on "school" work. She hasn't had a normal summer vacation in several years. I don't think her school has handled her situation very well, but that's another personal thing. Katie was still able to do volleyball camp for a week this summer. She loves volleyball and is planning on playing on the Junior High team this year at school.
Of course the summer included Vacation Bible School, Youth Camp, and we just finished a great week of revival meetings. Now we're in the last week of summer vacation for the kids. Their school starts next week and the Bible institute starts on September 8th. So it's back to the grind! At least we can be together as a family in all this busyness and the Lord's work is getting accomplished.