Today we will be taking Buddy up to my mom and dad's house. He'll be staying with them while we're at church camp next week. The kids are sad to have to not have him around for what will be over a week long period. However, it sure beats the alternative... the dog kennel.
Thanks mom and dad for letting buddy hang out there for a while!
Meanwhile camp preparations are at full steam ahead. It's crunch time! There is much to do over the next three days. This is when the not-so-fun work has to be done. When we're at camp, the work is fun.
Then after camp it's a week of preparation for revival. I'm really looking forward to that week!
Oh, I think that in between those two weeks Katie has volleyball camp. I'm not sure the dates for that. She's really looking forward to that.
All in all, Katie has had a pretty normal summer. We've made some minor adjustments in what she's allowed to do, activity wise. But overall things have been normal. She is almost done with the one seizure med that she is being weaned off, while the new med has gradually been increasing. She does great at remembering when she has to take it and she prepares it herself.
Michael is a little less busy now that baseball is over. He mostly hangs out with the guys from church. They get together often and go to the batting cages, play tennis, and other stuff. Michael has been a good help around the house and around the church grounds this year. He has helped me with ministry work from time to time as well.
Well, that's all for now.