It's hard to believe that we're nearing the end of the month of June already. Baseball is almost over for Michael, he hopes. It's not that he's lost interest in baseball; it's just that he's been playing it a lot lately. He has experienced some shoulder problems lately, so he's been taking it easy on the throwing. He was able to pitch in two games this week; two innings each. He had to leave the games early due to his desire to be a VBS. I'm thankful he wanted to be at VBS. His coach works well with the fact that our ministry is priority #1 to us.
Today is Katie's last day of basketball camp. She's been coming home every day from it exhausted, but she's ready to go back each morning. I think she has enjoyed it. Sandra left work early today to go up to the school and watch Katie play.
VBS ends tonight. It's been a great week and we've met some new kids this year. Next week I go into "Camp Mode" seeing that I'll only have three weeks to get all the preparation done. It's a heavy load, but it's worth it. Maybe some day I'll get to experience one of those things I hear about... I think people call them "vacations" - anyhow, one would be nice.
Regardless of all the weight of burdens, the Lord is always good! I'm reminded of the song that says, "It will be worth it all when we see Jesus." What a day that will be!! I'm thankful for the "haven of rest" that I have in Jesus and that it is a present possession. No matter what we go through, in Jesus, we're safe evermore! Our duty is to Trust and Obey!
This is a shirt that Katie made at school. All the kids in her class made a shirt and wore them yesterday at their class picnic. (See Katie's blog for a new picture of her with her new hair style at Katie's Health Journal.)